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About Radical Silk Vintage

A happy turn of events

Radical Silk was originally founded as a little side project in June 2018, back when I was a full-time chef in the south of France. Before moving to this sunny side of the world, I had worked in the hospitality industry for about 9 years, in roles ranging from bartending to managing. From the likes of Paris and London, I moved to the heavenly region of Provence and saw the kitchen as a little challenge to kick-start this new life.

Things took a turn after an unfortunate accident (think big knife, busy kitchen – you get the idea), which forced me to take time off work. That is when I decided to focus on Radical Silk, still a bourgeoning concept at the time. I would devote all my time, my energy, and most importantly my passion, to my new business.

Best decision EVER! I can happily say I have my all-time FAVOURITE job.
Hospitality is a crazy and vibrant industry which has brought me some of the most intense, inspiring and bold friends that I could imagine. It’s great to know I am always just a phone call away from a bit of advice, a bit of feedback, a bit of encouragement. Honestly, I couldn't be happier.

Thank YOU, loyal customers and new ones alike (and you too, curious visitor just passing by!).



***Follow the shop on Instagram @radicalsilkvintage for daily updates and vintage style inspiration and check out my personal account @tiphaine_latiphaine!***